

Master Silver Sennheiser HD800 HD800s HD820 upgrade cable

(2 customer reviews)

$308.18$720.47 ex. VAT

Made out of 4 cores of 5N purity silver awg22 multistrand litz wire.
Will dramatically improve full potential of your setup by adding fast and articulated bass and much more air to already great soundstage of HD800.


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We advice at least 150h of burn in time before any critical listening sessions.

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SKU: 15MAS04HD8 Category: Tags: ,

•   Carefully handmade braided cable consists of 4 cores of 5N purity AWG22 multistrand litz silver wire.
•   Soldered with Mundorf 4% fine silver audio solder.
•   5N silver transmits electrical signals faster and with less distortion than ordinary OFC wires.
•   Our awg22 litz wire is very soft, flexible and provide zero microphonics.
•   Please note – silk sleeving is available till the Y split.

Reviews (2)

2 reviews for Master Silver Sennheiser HD800 HD800s HD820 upgrade cable

  1. Lavricables

    I thought I would pass along this quick review of your Master Silver cables for the HD800 headphones. Please feel free to put this on your web site 😉

    Associated Equipment:
    – Silver Master Sennheiser headphone cable balanced to my HD 800S headphones.
    – Schiit Audio Moljnir 2 with Philips SQ NOS 6922 tubes. Power cord is MIT Z2 with Wattagate connectors
    – DAC is a Geek Pulse XFi with External Power Supply – Power Cord is Grover Audio ZX +
    – Everything is balanced (XLR) front to back – interconnect between the Geek Pulse and Moljnir 2 is also with Grover ZX+ Balanced interconnect.

    I created a play list comprised of EDM, ROCK, as well as two tracks from the Nordost System burn-in CD (their system burn in and and de-gause tracks). I ran this play list continuously for 120+ hours. I listened along the way, and I have to say, that even cold your cables never sounded harsh, or non-musical.

    Cold out of the packaging, I feel that initially the cables sounded forward and closed in. They did open up around the 60 hour mark, and then again further refinement around the 100 hour mark.

    I have gone back and forth with the stock Sennheiser balanced cables across several different music types, and come away with the same feeling every-time:

    Although the stock Sennheiser balanced cable is quite good, unless you are able to compare to a well-broken in after-market cable, you are NOT HEARING what your HD 800S’s are capable of doing! The stock cables on the HD800S are no match for your master silver cables. Your cables, remove a significant haze on the music! Vocals sound un-restrained – this I hear every time I switch back to the Sennheisers, and is their biggest fault. Again the Sennheisers are decent stock cables, but when I switch back to the stock Sennheiser cables, the HD800S sound broken. With the stock cable, they sound flat, compressed, and the musicians sound slammed together. Also BASS – OMG, this is a big area of improvement – bass is deeper, WIDER, more articulate, and more controlled.

    My HD 800S, Moljnir 2 with the Master Silver Balanced is my END-GAME headphone. To be honest, I do prefer to listen to my big stereo (speakers) in the basement, but I cannot always do so, and since I work from home, I spend allot of time in front of a computer. I LOVE how this combo sounds. The HD 800 / 800S is a comfortable headphone, in my oppinion this is the most important aspect. Secondly, the 800S gets the timbre CORRECT – this is VERY IMPORTANT, regardless of all of the $2K + headphones on the market, I feel that the Sennheisers with the Master Silver do soo much right, and VERY LITTLE wrong, there is no need to spend more money on anything else Headphone wise.

    Build quality of your cables is also TOP NOTCH! I am very pleased, and would whole-heartily recommend that anyone with an HD800S running a balanced set-up not think twice, or have any doubts about purchasing this cable. They do not sound bright, they are well balanced, even keeled, even smooth (compared to the stock cables), and compliment the HD 800S very well. The HD800S with this cable, is raised up a solid notch.

    Thank You
    Lou W.

  2. Lavricables

    Compared to Hd 800 original cable Your creations give more of almost everything. More control in the bass area, more dynamics, more focus and resolution… and all this without the negative symptoms usually connected to silver cables. No tendency to make everything shine brightly, no overanalytical sharpness. The treble is the area most critizided in HD 800’s, many think it causes listening fatigue, but with Your cable there is no problem to listen to music hour after hour. So if You consider me satisfied, You are absolutely right. Thanks.

    Jaff, music and audio journalist, Finland

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